
This may be your first time exploring the world of shamanism. I want to acknowledge that we are living in challenging times! Climate change, politics, and global transitions are causing many of us to act and react out of an unsettled place within ourselves. Part of my goal is to help you learn to be more at ease within yourself and able to be in the present….whatever that may be, so you can be less reactive and more centered.

A shaman has a unique relationship with the World of Spirit.

What is the World of Spirit? In one sense, the World of Spirit is all around us. You may have sensed the spirit of a person, or place, or tree, or animal or the spirit of the four basic elements, earth, air, fire, water.

There also exists a place, not in our usual state of consciousness, where All That Is, Was, and Will be, is happening at the same time. It is a place out of time. No beginning, no end. That is the World of Spirit.

A shaman is someone who can access this place in order to bring helpful healing to a person or group of people.

A Shaman is someone who can “see”, feel, hear, and/or sense the energies/spirits in all living beings. And because of this ability, a shaman can help you to come into balance, internally and with the world around you. A Shaman can also journey to The World of Spirit and retrieve healing information for you.