My Services

As a Shaman, it is my intention to help you be your own best healer. The work I do with you translates to your own knowledge of yourself and the lens through which you view the world.






In this first session, I will listen to your reasons for coming, take time to read your Energetic body, talk with you, and begin treating you.

Everything is done with your permission. For healing, I use my drum, voice, crystals, sounds, and my hands. How I work depends on what I find when I read your energy.

I work both at home and via Zoom. Home is in the beautiful Catskill Mts. outside of Woodstock, NY.

For all session bookings please contact me at



WHY Come for A Healing Session?

People come to me for a variety of reasons. These include: chronic physical illness, wanting to achieve clarity regarding next steps in life, relationship issues, feeling a lack of soul/spirit. Sometimes people feel they need a cleansing of another’s energy in their lives. Other times a client will come because he/she is processing grief or loss. People who have done personal work with a therapist are usually able to move through my work with more ease. I am working with you on a spiritual level, in order to strengthen your ability to have a voice, take action when needed, and know you have spirit helpers.

We meet for an initial session, and I may give you practices to do at home. We determine together if you want to move forward after your first session.

During the session, you may receive information about:

  • Your lineage or ancestry, or family history

  • Your path or direction

  • Your health

  • Your relationships

  • Your creativity and passion

Healing Sessions via Zoom - I ask that you email me a recent full body photo of yourself prior to our session.. I then meditate with this photo to receive information on your general state of being. When you come, please wear comfortable clothes, as little jewelry as possible, and please be on time.

Contact me at

“In a world filled with spiritual ‘gurus’ peddling all manner of new age BS, Rebecca Singer is a true healer. Her guidance is grounded in indigenous wisdom traditions that bring her students and clients into closer relationship with what is primary and essential for human thriving: Earth and Spirit. Through my work with Rebecca, I have come to know myself better, and cherish my place and my purpose within all things.”

Delila Olsson/Program Director, West Hills Montessori

Portland, OR